

课程名称:(中文)排球                  Course NameVolleyboll

课程编号:                             Course Code

学时数:36                             Periods36

学分数:2                              Credits2

开课单位:基础部体育教研室             Department:Basic Department

授课对象:                             Target student:

先修课程:无                           Preparatory Course:None



Course content Introduction to English:

This program is to have students know volleyball and related regulations to increase their interest in volleyball through teaching basic techniques of volleyball, the originality, history of volleyball, and an introduction of volleyball knowledge. This course is through the introduction and practice of offensive-defensive system, group offensive-defensive practice, game system introduction and practice etc., to have students experience that volleyball is an interesting group sports, and understand game fields, equipment and the rules of game . Curriculum includes individual or group offensive and defensive techniques, the learning and application of tactics, establishing the spirit of team work through games so that to strengthen the friendship among classmates and enjoy the competition and fun with games.